[A little sharing] ABOUT THOSE LINEs CAN TELL of Hoang Giang Agarwood
The growth of Agarwood and the product line of HAGA Natural Smart Oud, with sales volume of 02 tons for wood and 1.2 tons for Smart Oud has raised Hoang Giang Agarwood’s sales in March 2021 reach the highest level of ever.
▪️ Cumulative revenue of 2021 vs. 2020 (line chart)
▪️ Monthly revenue of 2021 vs. 2020 (bar chart)
▪ Sales plan for 2021 (blue line)
Line graph
Expressing the monthly revenue for the 4-year consecutive period, it can be seen that the sales of February and March 2021 are the monthly records of Hoang Giang Agarwood.
Column chart
▪ Average monthly revenue of 2021 is 1.82 times that of 2020’s average.
▪ Especially, revenue in February compared to the same period last year is 3.53 times higher and the revenue in March is 4.28 times higher than the same period last year.
Standing in the face of two volatile years of Covid, in order to maintain our performance and continuously develop is the blessing of Hoang Giang Agarwood, with the cause of the efforts to improve and consensus every day of all Hoang Giang Agarwood team.