Standard Basis (TCCS) & Test Reports Of Hoang Giang Agarwood Products

Recognizing the importance of quality control on health and environmental safety, Hoang Giang Agarwood Co., Ltd. has established standard basic for quality safety for Agarwood products produced and traded by the company.



Table Of Standard Basis Applicable To Hoang Giang Agarwood Products

Reference standard basic of QCVN 19: 2009 / BTNMT and TCVN 6994: 2001 were selected to carry out tests of Agarwood incense smoke quality.

Accordingly, all products of Hoang Giang Agarwood are committed to production in accordance with standard basic TCCS 01: 2017 / HG, TCCS 02: 2017 / HG, TCCS 03: 2017 / HG, TCCS 04: 2017 / HG, TCCS 05: 2019 / HG that the company has announced.

Thereby, Hoang Giang Agarwood products ensure using safety, not harmful to human health in daily use and do not cause harm to the environment.

Attached to standard basic is the Test report of Department of Science and Technology of Ho Chi Minh City implemented for each type of separate Hoang Giang Agarwood products to ensure high quality consistent and stable output.


Test Report Of Hoang Giang Agarwood (Oud) Products Sample

By Experimental Analysis Service Center HCMC – Department of Science and Technology HCMC

All quality / technical indicators committed by Hoang Giang Agarwood Co. in each Standard basic (TCCS) are certified by the test report conducted by specialized units.

Accordingly, the requirements for safety, hygiene, health, and environment of Hoang Giang Agarwood products are tested at Experimental Analysis Service Center HCMC – Department of Science and Technology HCMC, using GC-MS testing method refer to the following standards:

  • ‘National technical regulation on industrial emissions of dust and inorganic substances’ – QCVN 19: 2009 / BTNMT.
  • Vietnam Standard TCVN 6994: 2001 on ‘Air quality – Industrial waste gas – Waste standard of waste amounts of organic substances in industrial areas’.

According to the analysis of smoke components, Hoang Giang Agarwood products ensure safety when using, not harmful to human health in daily use and do not cause harm to the environment.




🌿 TOP 10 Key Players of Agarwood essential oil market in the world (Market Research Future 2017)

🌿 ISO 9001: 2015 certified by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality of AQS GLOBAL

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