Agarwood (Oud) – “Wood of the Gods” and one of The Most Expensive Fragrant wood in the world

“Wood of the Gods’” – this is the name of Agarwood (Oud) and many name to call the infected wood of the Aquilaria trees: Aloes wood, eaglewood, jinkoh, gaharu, oud. Agarwood (Oud) is a dark resinous heartwood that forms in Aquilaria and Gyrinops trees when they become infected with a type of mould.




The following species of Aquilaria produce Agarwood (Oud)

  • Aquilaria microcapa, found in Indonesia and Malaysia
  • Aquilaria rostrata, found in Malaysia
  • Aquilaria sinensis, found in China
  • Aquilaria subintegra, found in Thailand
  • Aquilaria baneonsis, found in Vietnam
  • Aquilaria beccariana, found inIndonesia
  • Aquilaria brachyantha, found in Malaysia
  • Aquilaria crassna found in Cambodia,Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam
  • Aquilaria cumingiana, found in Indonesia and Malaysia
  • Aquilaria khasiana, found in Bangladesh and India.
  • Aquilaria apiculina, found in Philippines
  • Aquilaria acuminata, found in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia & Philippines
  • Aquilaria baillonil, found in Thailand and Cambodia
  • Aquilaria filaria, found in New Guinea, theMoluccas, and Mindanao (Philippines)
  • Aquilaria grandiflora, found in China
  • Aquilaria hirta, found in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia
  • Aquilaria malaccensis, found in Malaysia, Thailand, and India




The many names of Agarwood (Oud) in different cultures

Agarwood (Oud) has a very long history. It originates in North Eastern India, Bhutan and parts of South East Asia – especially Vietnam and Cambodia – the Philippines, and Indonesia, including Papau New Guinea.

  • In Hindi and Urdu, it is known as agar,which is originally Sanskrit, also aguru
  • In Bengal, Agarwood (Oud) as known as agar gaach
  • In Assamese, it is often called “sasi” or” sashi”
  • Agarwood (Oud) Vietnam is known as Trầm hương in Vietnamese, chénxiāng in Chinese, jinkō in Japanese
  • In Europe, another name is Lignum quila – eagle wood, Agilawood because of the similarity in sound of agila.
  • Aloeswood is also known a name of Agarwood (Oud) in Europe, but this is potentially confusing.
  • In Malay and Indonesian, the name is gaharu
  • In HongKong, they called them Aloeswood.
  • In Thailand, it is known as “ Mai Kritsana”
  • In Myanmar, it is called “ Thit Mhwae”
  • In Laos, it is “ Mai Ketsana”
  • In Sri Lanka, Agarwood (Oud) is known as “ Walla Patta”
  • The growth of Agarwood (Oud)




Agarwood (Oud) is the result of pathological, wounding and no pathological processes (According to Ng et al.1997). Resin is in response to wounding, that fungal infection can increase resin production as a host reponse to increased damage due to fungal growth. Aquilaria trees are naturally infected by a variety of fungi including: Aspergillus  spp., Botryodyplodia spp., Diplodi a spp., Fusarium bulbiferum, F.laterium, F. oxysporum,  F. solani, Penicillium  spp., and  Pythium spp. (Anon.,1998a; Santoso, 1996, cited in Soehartono and Mardiastuti, 1997; Wiriadinata, 1995).




The age of the tree, different in the tree caused by seasonal, environment and genetic variation of Aquilaria that is the important reason in Agarwood (Oud) formed. Not all Aquilaria trees produce Agarwood (Oud), only 10% of mature trees above 20 cm diameter. Addition, the infected trees produce resin from the age 20 years onwards. Sadgopal (1960, cited in Soehartono, 1997) suggesting the best Agarwood (Oud) from trees aged 50 years and over. However, the research by The Rainforest Project (TRP) in Vietnam have shown that Agarwood (Oud) formation can occur in cultivated trees as young as three years of age.




Because Agarwood (Oud) has been use in many field with a special value. Agarwood (Oud) in Medicine, Agarwood (Oud) in perfume and Agarwood (Oud) is use in as incense in Buddhist, Muslims and Hindus religious ceremonies. About 10% of mature tree  can produce Agarwood (Oud), and the process takes place for many year. The artisans are very careful to harvest Agarwood (Oud) that is the most expensive wood fragrant.

Agarwood (Oud) is used in medicine as an ingredient for treating asthma, pleurisy, rheumatism. The Agarwood (Oud) is also know to be beneficial to stomach, the liver and lungs. Agarwood (Oud) has been used as high quality incense. Agarwood (Oud) scent is a sweet, deep but balanced fragrance as a result the Agarwood (Oud) price is high in the market.




The products of Agarwood (Oud) has been use are: essential oils, beads, soaps, shampoos …Addition the trading also takes in the form of wood, wood chips, powder and oil. The Agarwood (Oud) oil is special oil used in Muslim religious ceremonies.

Nowadays, the demand for Agarwood (Oud) is increasing, especially in Taiwan, Saudi Arabian, Hong Kong, Egypt, India, Japan, Oman, and China. While the source of Agarwood (Oud) in South Asian nations has decreased because of deforestation and over-exploitation, Vietnam, with a large quantity of Aquilaria trees, is recognized as the country owning the highest quality Agarwood (Oud).



Compiled by Hoang Giang


Why choose us – choose Hoang Giang Agarwood’s products

  1. Factory with modern production line from material to final product.
  2. 100% natural Agarwood/Oud ingredient.
  3. All products produced in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 qualification standards, export qualification, non toxic chemicals.
  4. TOP 10 Key Players of Agarwood/Oud essential oil market in the world (Market Research Future 2017).

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ISO 9001: 2015 certificated Agarwood (Oud) products, commit to production in accordance of Standard basic announced

On 08.05.2019, Hoang Giang Agarwood Co., Ltd has received an official copy of ISO 9001: 2015 certificate of Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality of AQS GLOBAL on product quality management, worldwide recognized for Agarwood (Oud) production and trading.

The ISO 9001: 2015 certificate of Hoang Giang Agarwood is valid for 3 years until April 25, 2022 and is periodically monitored and evaluated to ensure that Hoang Giang’s Agarwood (Oud) product quality always meets the standard certified.

ISO 9001: 2015 certificate assessed by a prestigious international organization is a safe quality assurance for all Agarwood (Oud) products of Hoang Giang, thereby helping customers and partners to feel secure when choosing and believing in Hoang Giang Agarwood (Oud) product in particular as well as Hoang Giang company in general.


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Main office & Factory: Nguyen Minh Chau Street, Hiep Cuong Hamlet, Lagi Town, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam.

Trade office: L40, Street No.11, Him Lam residential area, Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hotline: +84 973 770 639 (available on whatsapp & viber)




