Finding and holding your lucky charm – Agarwood Bracelet

Agarwood Bracelet – Your lucky charm

Agarwood, also called aloes wood (in religious texts), is a resin produced inside a tropical rainforest tree called Aquilaria. Dark resin wood owns a magnificent aroma when it is burned. Therefore it has been considered the finest natural incense and has used for cultural, religious or medicine purposes for millennia.

Solid pieces of agarwood are used for décor as a natural art or be crafted to become lucky Feng Shui charms. Long time ago, agarwood beads were believed that they could disperse negative energy, replace them with positive energy, bring good lucks together with inner peace for owners. Usually, a prayer bracelet consists of about 15 to 18 beads, fitting perfectly for one wrist. Besides, 108 bead string can be used as necklace or bracelet with a couple of rounds on the wrist.

Distinguishing between real agawood bracelets and fake ones

The possibility for aquilaria trees to produce agarwood is very low and takes time, so the prices of agarwood bracelet are quite high. In additional, in Asia markets, agarwood bracelet is one of the most popular agarwood products. These reasons combining together makes chances for fake agarwood bracelets sneak into the market.

So how can we distinguish between real agarwood bracelets and fake ones?

The ultimate way to verify a bead is split it into half, check the grain then heat it at various temperatures. Nevertheless, this process damages the bead so many people don’t use this way.

An easy way is noticing its smell and the outside look. If the product were genuine, you would be able to detect the wood natural fragrance. If you discover any unusual scent, for example alcoholic, or chemical scent, your charm may be a fake item. Moreover, the strong scent that you can smell from distance indicates that “the scent” has been injected. Agarwood beads are made from wounded aquilaria trees, which contains white fibre and infected wood so their patterns should be natural and random.

How to take care of your agarwood bracelet?

Agarwood beads are precious, light, soft and absorb liquid so they require the suitable care to maintain their look and aroma. There are currently two methods of polishing: waxing and sanding.

The wax polishing method has mainly used for Vietnam Agarwood beads. Wax polished beads absorb  water and sweat easily.

Abrasive polishing or sanding has commonly used for Indonesia Agarwood beads. This process will give the beads a nice glossy look and color. Beads polished by this method tend to be less sensitive to water and sweat. However, the polished layer is very fragile to sharp/ abrasive items.

In general, water is the most dangerous enemy to agarwood beads. Never submerge your beads under water, normal sweating is fine but not excessive one, store the bead in a zip bag with moisture absorber when not in use. Especially for women, do not wear your beads if you applied perfume or lotion on wrists because agarwood beads will absorb those substances and changed their qualities.

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